Children with relatives who have type 1 diabetes can participate throughout Germany.


If at least one of their parents or siblings has type 1 diabetes, newborns up to seven days old can take part in the Freder1k screening study to determine their risk of developing type 1 diabetes. They can do this throughout Germany, no matter where they live. Please contact us directly to arrange this, via our contact form, via email at contact(at), or via our freephone number: 0800 000 0018. Participation, which includes the risk assessment for type 1 diabetes, is voluntary and free of charge.

Early identification of elevated type 1 diabetes risk offers an unprecedented benefit to your child: preventive treatment can be undertaken as part of a prevention study called the SINT1A study. Read more about the SINT1A study.

For children who do not have first-degree relatives* with type 1 diabetes, we offer screening tests in Bavaria, Lower Saxony, Saxony and Thuringia. The tests are offered free of charge for all children up to seven days old living in these states.

* Mother, father, siblings


>> Take advantage of this opportunity: have your child tested for an increased risk of developing type 1 diabetes so that they can receive preventive treatment if needed.


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