
It is with great sadness that we have learned that our highly esteemed colleague and researcher Prof. Joerg Hasford has passed away. As a member of the GPPAD steering committee, Prof. Joerg Hasford was an indispensable and critical advisor on ethical and trial conduct questions that arose during our planning and implementation of type 1 diabetes early detection and prevention programs. His wide-​ranging experience, his differentiated reflections and his constructive contributions to discussions taught us a great deal and lightened our task. He leaves a big gap. We will miss the benevolent sage who was committed with heart and mind to the international GPPAD family and its advancement.

Rest in peace, dear Joerg!


Olga Kordonouri, Karin Lange, Agnieszka Szypowska, Kristina Casteels, Matthew Snape, Helena Elding-​Larsson, Peter Achenbach, Reinhard Berner, Ezio Bonifacio, Anna Koralova, Gina Agiostratidou, Anette Ziegler

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